What I Offer

Not a mission or vision statement, but the essence of your story – the reason your clients or colleagues need you now more than ever – presented with a deep understanding of what people need now more than ever...
An authentic, emotional, and compelling reason to engage.
I apply the same positioning methodology used by famous brands but on a scale appropriate and affordable for you.

You complete a short but meaningful questionnaire that will help remind you why you founded your business to begin with – the roots of your entrepreneurism.

Deep Dive
We schedule a call to go a bit deeper. As you share your accomplishments, ideas, and goals with me, I'll be listening for buried words just below the surface – your earth, what grounds you. The more you share, the more I'll begin to hear the intangible and unseen parts of your story. Your Definition will start to grow in simple, clear, powerful, and inspiring language – that's the magic part.

The Vision Board
I start collecting images to create a vision board that will help me formulate the words. The words become your Definition: a succinct brand essence statement and a few lines about who you are, what you do, and what your clients will experience. Like hiring a great photographer for a new portrait, your Definition will truly reflect you, your talent, your conviction, but in a new light.

You can use your new Definition verbatim in your Bio, for website content, social media, promotional materials, and email campaigns. Or simply use it as a gut check, another set of eyes, an outside perspective, a celebration of your incredible significance and contribution to a world that needs you.
The entire process is usually completed within two to three weeks for a flat fee of $500.
Interested in a new tagline for your business? I offer 3 taglines and an elevator pitch based on your brand essence for a flat fee of $350.
Returning clients looking to update an existing Definition or create a Definition for a new offering enjoy a flat fee of $250.